I've shot Richard hundreds of times, usually on the streets of NYC while we're out wandering with our cameras, and once before, in SF, I shot him in a controlled environment, but I thought it might be fun to do a real studio shoot with him.

I was a bit nervous, for some reason. I guess because Richard is so close to me, and I have a pretty high "satisfied customer" percentage, and I was still acclimating to using artificial light, that I was afraid a failure here would be spectacular.

But I think it was a success, a big success, and possibly an important moment for me, as I finally realized that the studio is not a limitation, exactly, but a constraint that forces me to focus on the subject in a way that I might not have to when there's a more interesting backdrop. I acknowledged that studio images could be VERY powerful if done properly, and I like to believe that my studio work has improved as a result. Very fitting that it would be Richard that would provide me that revelation, as he has been one of my biggest inspirations and supporters for quite some time now.

These photos were taken on August 24, 2010.
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