This past July, I almost met Dan at a party.

But I didn't. A week or so after, he emailed me and asked me if I'd been there. I replied yes and we started chatting. Through the course of the conversation it came out that he was an
artist, and I was really amazed by his work, so when he asked me to sit for him, I jumped at the chance.

We set a date in early August and everything was good to go, except he had to postpone, and we failed to reschedule right away, and then we lost touch for a bit. So it goes. Until December when we started chatting again, quite regularly, getting to know one another and firing off messages like old friends. So it was natural that we decided to reschedule, and Dan liked the symbolic gesture of starting out the new year with me as his subject. I did too, and I came up with a new idea: though the thrust of our meeting would be for him to use my image in his artwork, maybe I should take some pictures of him at the same time, as a counterbalance. Dan liked the idea, and this is the result.

Butter made a guest appearance.

Dan is exactly three weeks older than I am and to date, the only person born in the same year as me that I have photographed.

All these photos were taken Jan 13, 2010.
In case you missed it, Dan's website:
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