Monday, November 22, 2010

Shoot #4

I think it probably goes without saying that I like working with Joey. We had our fourth shoot together yesterday, which is kind of a lot of sessions to have with one person in a single month.

We started with an idea that I'd played with in an earlier shoot, involving the draping of black sheets to cut out some body parts while exposing others.

Joey brought a piece of netting -- from the back of a truck maybe -- and considering I didn't even know he was bringing it, I had a lot of fun with it.

After spending an hour or so shooting entirely experimental stuff, I instinctively went for some more traditional set ups.

And then I thought it would be fun to try playing with these chains that happen to be lying around in the studio. I'd had some ideas involving draping or wrapping, but the metal was so cold I couldn't bring myself to do that to Joey even though he said he could handle it. I suspended them from the ceiling instead.

It will be interesting to see how much of this experimental spirit surfaces in my future shoots with models other than Joey. (Though I do like working with Joey. Did I mention that already?)

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