Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where I Came From

I've spent the last few days in upstate NY, visiting family and, to my surprise, attending my high school reunion. Being up here always puts me in a contemplative space, being up here in autumn compounds that, and re-living events from over twenty years ago all weekend long has only put me over the pensive edge. Because of reunion activities and some less than ideal weather, I haven't taken that many pictures, but I did take some in my parents' yard the other day.

This one pretty much sums it up. I'm pointing the camera at the front door of the house where I grew up, catching a reflection of the yard and the house across the street. None of this is how it was back then. The door itself (which lends the blue cast to the whole image) is brand new, as is the mailbox. The house across the way used to be yellow, and its yard used to be dominated by old pines. It's been a long time since I moved away from here, and I've moved a half dozen times in the dozen years since that happened, but most of the changes to the landscape depicted here have occurred just in the past year or so. You can't go home again, the saying goes, but you can, if you are willing to accept that home might not be where you left it.

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